Our Programs

Speaker Series

Remote or in-person events where you can learn from women who have reached where you aspire to be, whether that’s in a role, a company or an industry. Hear what their day-to-day looks like, what it takes to succeed and ask your own burning questions!

Informational Interviews

Take the learning a step further by conducting informational interviews with women in a role, company or industry you want to explore. Ask more in-depth and personal questions that you need to know before going further in that direction.

Not sure what to ask or how to conduct interviews? Don’t worry, we have you covered with our resources.

Mentoring (Coming Soon)

After narrowing it down to a specific role, company or industry, it’s time to get even more specific help by securing a mentor. The right mentor can help give you the advice you need to set you on the right path and avoid pitfalls. She might also open doors or introduce you to more people you can talk to. Respect your mentor’s time and she will provide you with many benefits.