Welcome to Artemis!

Hi there, my name is Remy Tsukahira and I am the author of this blog and the founder of Artemis Girls Business Academy.

I started this nonprofit to aid other girls in figuring out what they want to do with their lives. I began Artemis GBA because it is something I wish I had when deciding on my major and college. I always had a lot of different interests growing up and saw myself going into many different fields of expertise. When I had to choose what I liked most and what I practically had to do for the rest of my life I felt overwhelmed.

After a while, I started to realize I wasn’t alone and, I realized there had to be a better way. I decided that I am interested in going into woman's studies specifically in the field of business.

In this blog, I will be going over different articles, and research papers, about women in business. My posts will be easily digestible and fun to read.  I may also make an occasional opinion piece about something I find interesting.

I hope you enjoy and come along on this journey with me!


A Big Win for Women’s Sports