Which woman of history inspires you?

For our very first Artemis Girls Business Academy workshop we had our girls pick one woman of history, do some research, and design a graphic displaying a quote with a relevant theme! Above are some of the designs our girls made that include quotes and bios on the women who inspire them. Below are some short bios on the women above written by the workshop participants.

Patsy Mink:

Mink is a historic Asian figure as she was the first woman of color to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the first Asian-American woman to serve in Congress.

Yuri Kochiyama:

Kochiyama was a Japanese-American political activist who fought for civil rights. She was personally affected when the U.S. government forcibly moved her and her family to the incarceration camps during WWII.

Margaret Thatcher:

Margaret Thatcher was the former and longest-serving British prime minister. She was the very first woman to hold the position of prime minister and was often called the “Iron Lady“ because of how strong a leader she was.

Katherine Johnson:

Katherine Johnson was an American mathematician and computer who analyzed and calculated the flight path of many spacecraft. She worked for NASA from 1953 until 1986 and overcame many racial and gender hurdles to get to her position.

Taylor Swift:

Taylor Swift is a 14-time Grammy winner and her Eras Tour was the first musical event that surpassed $1 billion in revenue. That makes it the highest-grossing tour in history and after just 6 months the Eras Tour generated more than $5 billion in consumer spending in the U.S..

Malala Yousafzai:

Malala is a Pakistani activist who advocated for every girl’s right to education and fought for gender equality. She is also the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize which was given to her in 2014.


Escaping to Escape Rooms - Interview with Dr. Grossman, University of Southern California